Tuesday, October 30, 2012

not sure what snippet we are on here...

I have seen so much growth in myself the last couple weeks. I have seen a lot little validations that  let me know I am doing the right thing :)
I have to say I really have the Landmark Forum to thank, even though they are boarderline harassing the hubby trying to get him to go... he does not seem to interested.
Maybe it is not for everyone, but it certainly was for me.

I don't have perfect "magically delicious" life, but the way I roll with things has really changed and that is such a relief to me. I smile more often, and more authentically.
I take pleasure in the little moments I didnt have time to before, because I was too busy stressing myself out.
I no longer feel a pang of jealously and regret every time I hear a Lionel Richie song... (this one is huge) Anyone who has had mom issues probably knows, that crap can really ruin you.
But now I just love my mom. Whatever happens, whatever has happened... it just is, and it does not have to mean a damn thing, and it does not have to do a thing with me. That alone is such a huge load off of my back it is freaking amazing, because that one thing, was the root of a million other things, like a string of pearls... or anger, frustration, sadness, self doubt, fear.

I listen more and better. I still have the same big ass mouth I have always have had, but I now know that I need to shut my mouth and take a minute, stop and listen and say thank you sometimes.

My relationships with people I never dreamed could be better or be anything, are starting to develop.

I'm starting to streamline my focus, and really believe i can accomplish the things I always secretly feared I was not good enough or smart enough to do.

I am a better mother, and everyday I want to be even better.

I'm looking forward to continuing this process in my 10 week course. I have never been one to really look forward to a class ... but here I am.

Here are the things I want to continue to work on that I know I still need to hone in on

*Follow through
* Improving time mangement
* Life priortizing
* strengthening the relationships I feel have weakened Specifically my friends that are far from my reach  (miss know it all you are #1 on the list)
* taking an online excell class
* getting clutter free and organizing all aspects of my life
*getting out and living- taking walks... etc.
* getting creative in my relationship

I( wish I had a secretary :b

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