Wednesday, October 10, 2012

snippet 9

it's funny, sometimes as I stare at this white background I have no freaking clue what I will end up writing about today. I think that is the therapeutic part of this exercise. It really is whatever comes to me.

So coolkid got enrolled to talk to someone about the mean kids she has been dealing with for a while, and today I asked her how it went after the first session and she tells me well, she asked me why I was being bullied and I told her that you and I think it is because " I'm not Mexican."

These are the moments as a parent that you literally want to become a puddle and sink into the floor. I was like what? Then I remembered this article I read yesterday about how to talk to your kids about sex, and there were two examples there of where parents thought they had imparted all these words of wisdom on their child and then the editor of the article asked the kids what the parents had told them, and the kids said their parents said "don't have sex until marriage" & "use a condom"
I realized I had a similar thing happening here and that this, was a teachable moment for me.

So I made a point to address the actual things I had said and the points that I had made and why they are different and not exactly what she had summarized to the pscyh out there that now probably thinks I am a racist mommy.

So we are all clear here, what I said was the kids have different cultural backgrounds then cool kid has in our lives.... and a lot of the moms are friends with each other and that the kids all hang out together outside of school and that makes her probably stand out to them in addition to the difference in the way she looks in comparison then most of the other kids. All points I think, are completely and totally valid as well as 99.9% true.

I really hope someone out there does not get the wrong impression, but most importantly I dont want cool kid to get the wrong impression. That is most important to me. I may be blunt in my communication and very direct, but I embrace everyone no matter who they are and want my coolkid to have the same heart for people too.

I would never steer her in another way.  So although I pride myself in my blunt honesty... I guess I learned today that I may still not always be conveying the message I think I am delivering because it is all in the hands of the person who is receiving it. And perception I think is not  something you can really have a full grasp on controlling.

I sometimes forget my "Tween" is still a coolkid and not my coolfullydevelopedhuman. But then again are we ever really fully developed?

I know there are more days then not that I do not feel like I am ~ today is one of those days.....

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