Tuesday, November 6, 2012

what snippet is this...12?

LOL looks like my ADD got the better of me and now I have lost count of the snippets... ah well.
So it's voting day again. Half the world is all up in arms over it, a quarter of it just doesn't give a shit anymore, and the other part is like me just curious to see what happens.

Don't get me wrong miss big mouth over here has a quite a few few political opinions.... but a while ago lost most of her faith that the whole voting system has any legitimacy anymore or that the little guys have a say anymore unless someday they band together and rise up and take the country back.

The likely hood of that happening in the chip eating dancing with the stars generation is slim to none.

totally off the subject but I just noticed I face book "liked" clean eating right next to arby's. I'm such a living oxymoron. I can't help but laugh about it.

So yeah anyhow, it should all be interesting over the next few days.... whatever happens we all just have to make the best of it and teach our kids to be smarter. That's all I can really say.

Tomorrow, I start the the 34th year of my life and I am excited to see what it brings. I am creating the possibility right now that this new year of my life is going to be a year where I will bring to life all the opportunities I have dreamed of for me and my family up to this point. Also it will be a year full of smiles, hugs, and belly laugh's. If I can just have those things in my life then that is all I really need.

Shout out to my favorite girl Ms. Knowitall! Happy Birthday!I love you girl! I'm sorry we cannot be together for our birthday, but you are with me everyday in my heart (insert mushy-ness and aweing noises here) Cannot wait to see you! Have a beautiful day! xoxoxoxoxo

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