Thursday, September 5, 2013


possibility: Living my life in a healthy way in all aspects of my life

Today I had the biggest breakdown. I totally knew I was too, right smack dab in the middle of it. I knew what I thought was my upset.... and I literally could not see my way to the other side.....

I was trying to landmark myself through it, counting of the steps...... breathing. sobbing.... then it hit me.

The story. I made a meaning out of a situation and got all upset and caught up.
And you know what I know?

That it doesn't mean a damn thing.

it was like woosh. okay got that. put in the past. Now what is in front of me?

What do I want????

it is all up there at the top of this page, in that one simple statement.

Where I am is not where I want to be or where I am going so why should I let people who I perceive to undervalue me bring me down?

I don't even want to be there.

Living in the most healthy way, allows me to know and choose that I can move myself wherever I need to be to be living my possibility.... It also allows me to know that where I am right now is fine. It is all part of the process.

I do not need to waste time being angry. or upset. I will leave that up to others. That is their choice.

Spent the rest of the night looking at free website/blog sites to get started on that. Booked two business meetings for next week.... AND looked up holistic alternative health practices that are taught locally. Looking in to maybe going to school for Spring. Also had a great talk with the hubby.

Someone told me yesterday that I am lion. That I am powerful. Today I sat back and listened to someone say some words that I perceived to mean that they did not think I was worthy.... (because that is MY real story - it keeps rearing it's ugly head) and I heard her telling me I am a lion and I thought about it, and you know what? damn right I AM.

Que cheezy ass Katy Perry song here.....

I don't care, it's kinda awesome that I have a sound track for my possibility.
