Monday, March 4, 2013

week of hell recap

Things took a grave turn last Saturday when my mother needed to be re-intebated.
We were told several times over for days that if we took the tube out she would die within a hour or two and we could Treache her, but it probably would not be the greatest choice and would not prolong her life much. We wrestled with this decision until Thursday, then took the tube out. My mother lived through the night. the next night we sat up with her watched movies and sang jazz after a long fight over hospice care. The next day we were forced to look at hospice once again because the situation is worse, another disagreement... no resolution.
Here we are on Monday, two sisters are never speaking again from the disagreements and mom is alive. Dr's are saying she is still getting worse but she says she is not dying and she is not going to hospice. At this point she is lucid enough for the doctors to let her make the decisions so for the moment I cannot do a thing but go back to work and try not to worry.
The doctors have all said she has a week, maybe two to live and maybe they are right. But then again maybe they are wrong too, they certainly were about her living more then an hour or two of intebation... so we will see.

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