Wednesday, November 14, 2012

it's been a strange week....

If there is one thing I have learned in the past few days it's that nothing is as it seems.
People have weird freaking motives for things, sometimes those motives are completely unknown to you.

Makes me glad I have the ones I love, the ones I keep close. There a handful of people that I am reminded this week to never take for granted. Love you guys xo

Most of today has been spent with the kiddo combating the stomach flu, which in my opinion is the most horrible of minor ailments to have. poor kid. Cross your fingers though, I think (knocks on wood) she might be turning the corner.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it has had me thinking quite a bit.
Firstly I have been seeing what all my friends are "thankful for" on a semi daily basis and that defiantly gets my own thankful list going.
In addition to that it has allowed me to offer a place in my home to more then just my family for the holiday, which is  so huge for me... I almost never have anyone over.
I also have spent a great deal thinking about those less fortunate then myself and have been sending good vibes out to them as the weather gets colder and thinking about making a day trip with a group of friends to feed the homeless at a shelter or soup kitchen. although, I have to admit that hardly seems like enough.
I'm a big hearted person by nature. I have honestly thought about forgoing all gifts this year and putting the money into feeding the homeless or providing blankets and other supplies.
I am pretty sure many of the people in my life would think I was off my rocker should I decide to do such a thing, but it is really hard for me to fathom why I need one more trivial item in my life when there are so many people out there without a warm place to even lay their head.
It would make me feel better to give it all away to complete strangers and just enjoy the company of my family and close friends in lieu of gifts this year. gotta run this idea past the hubby so we will see...

Rather then recite all of the things I am thankful for every day of the month like several of my friends have, I would rather write them all down here. Mostly for myself more then anything else. This way the second I get all bitchy and whiny I can come back here, read this list and shut my mouth... so here it is.

1. My husband (he gets a lot less credit from me more often then he deserves; & because I love him.)
2. My daughter. The absolute greatest thing that has ever happened to me ever.
3. My family (both sides & in law's) yes, it is true so often you all drive me insane and I sometimes want to bitch slap you... but I love you guys too. LOL
4. My bestie, my soul sister.... Jenn (aka missknowitall <---- she really does!) I love you, no matter how much time or space ever comes between us I have your back always.
4 1/2. all of my friends. you motivate and inspire me everyday. you are all beautiful people in your own unique and individual way and I love you all and feel lucky to be a part of your lives
5. the roof over my head. It's more then a lot of people have, and it is just what I need
6. food, clothes, all the necessities. the stupid things I take for granted everyday like hot water.
7.  my health. which I am working on taking better care of
9. The people in my life outside of my "close network" that inspire me, that teach me, that help to mold and shape the world around me
10. Our jobs. God knows we need them, and we are lucky to have them.
11. My silly & childlike ability to still dream, up until recently it was one of the things that I loathed about myself, but I now realize it is not a weakness but a strength. most adults are far more dead on the inside then I'll ever be.
12. this world we live in. the fresh air in my lungs. the beautiful sunsets and sunrises. deep oceans, rivers, mountains..... from the biggest landmark to the smallest detail, I love the world I live in and hope to spend more time out there in it in the next year of my life :)

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