Friday, March 11, 2016


Do you ever just get a certain point in something and it's the last straw? It might not even be as big as other things you have dealt with but it was just like a splash of cold water and suddenly you just wake up from the rationalizations, or excuses and are just like FUCK THAT.

I feel like I just hit that point today. Granted I am a lot more in tune with my inner fuck you than usual because of shark week, busy week, back handed compliments from family .... but here I am just living my life, and minding my own business and then bam like a bolt of lightening it just happened.

I have always been the person to take care of everyone else, to be there for everyone else, to DEVOTE AND SACRIFICE MY ENTIRE LIFE FOR EVERYONE ELSE....

To be not good enough for some one else.
And you know what? I'm fucking done. The end.

Why do have to be anything other than who and what I am.... or why should I have to feel bad for who and what I am?

Why can't I just be? Why can't I just be accepted for what is and loved for that even?
Why am I settling for less than that? I should not be. All of a sudden it just hit me, and I was like fuck that. Life is too short.

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