Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Material Consumption

Today I was walking by some sunglasses and I couldn't resist the idea of buying them. One they were on sale. Two they were a brand I love, Kate Spade. I started to mentally dissect this whole being in love with a brand thing, but then became busy and forgot my analysis.
Later I pass a work out top that says "Spiritual Gangster" and I thought that's me, I need to buy that.
later I stop to look at the tag and contemplate if the 48 dollar price tag is worth it.
then I thought,  would a true Spiritual gangster wear a t shirt that cost her 48 dollars just to say she is? Probably not.

I start to imagine the sad retired shoppers I see sometimes as much as every day, and how I am always quick to point out that it won't be me someday.  Wasting away my retirement at the mall.

I start to think about the rate of my own consumption. New eye shadow check. New lipstick check. New t shirt and tank. Check, check.
and that is just tallying up my week.

What is it I love about shopping?  What is it we all do? The rush we get getting an awesome deal, or a item that just makes us feel good. It's like a drug deal on a street corner. It's like a comment or a like on a social media post.

Consumption has become faster and more instantly gratifying then ever. For most it's a quick click on the phone. Amazon.com buy with one click. We love that shit.

We click without a second thought.

How often though,  do we:
Look away from the homeless
pause at donation to charity or turn to something else
Look away rather then get involved

 I always say I love what I do but I would love to just help people.
Often I get a funny sideways glance in response.

I can't help but wonder if we stopped clicking and started caring if the dopamine rush is the same. If it is maybe better?

I feel like I am inching slowly away from consumption addiction. You can't run from it like a burning building when it is a part of every molecule you are. But, after all my thinking I am going to try to click less, care more.
I am going to work to send that vibration off into the world.
If everyone else did too.... I wonder what might happen


  1. I was just thinking the other day about what happened to my dream of helping others, through advise, or money or just being a listening ear. I want to get involved in something that I can help people out. Unfortunately I can't help financially until I myself can pay my bills. There is just volunteering for something, but what and could I bring my kids or would I do it alone? I don't even know where to research on how to find something locally I could get involved in. I live in a little town with no city hall. Ive thought of starting an advice column or something for people that don't have anyone that they can talk to or too embarrassed to ask someone they know.

  2. What about volunteering at a senior center?
