Thursday, September 27, 2012

snippet 1

Well here it goes off on my third or fourth blogging adventure now... Not sure this whole thing is really going to last; but we will see how it goes.
If anyone ever actually does read this you will find that I am a very blunt and direct writer, none of this flowery words stuff. I write like I talk, and I talk like I think.... although there might be a  point where some flowery, poetic thoughts are in there.... for the most part I am a realist with a touch of a dreamers bug from time to time. lol okay who am I really kidding all the time.

I have terrible, terrible, grass is greener syndrome. Pretty much anyone that knows me, knows that and can back this up. Every day or every week I am always driving myself crazy with the wouldn't it be nice if? Hell just this morning in the shower I was talking to my husband about moving to Hawaii for work someday... and asking if he was in. I think this syndrome stems from the lack of experience really. I have never left the country, never seen most of the damned country for that matter, never really allowed my sense of adventure take over my life.

That all stems from another one of my past issues.... I like to call it the white picket fence syndrome. Unlike some of my favorite people on earth, I spent a good majority of my youth in the race to the pursuit of the white picket fence, 2.5 kids, 2 volvo's, and the chocolate lab in the yard. Ironically I totally got side barred by the unexpected. Mr. fix it, and boooy did I have a job to do. I still do everyday really. One of my friends always pokes fun at me that I like to "fix" people. He is totally right, he calls me on my shit just as he sees it laughs or no. That has been the M.O. most of my adult hood.

Problem is, grass is greener is getting antsy. Hell she is getting old. She wants to figure out how to turn Mr. fix it into Mr. do it your damned self, and get the hell on white picket fence or not to the greatest adventure with the cool kid in tow. Funny thing is, it's hard to really know how to get all that shit started without really knowing where the grand adventure will take you.

Step one for me is internal reflection, and working on the work-front direction in my life.
Life has been weird this year, so that is where I am at.
Baby steps. controlling my controllable's for now.

Wish I had Ms. knowsitall here, distance between us has defiantly been hard on my end this year. The older I get the fewer and far between are the people I truly trust completely; and Ms. Knowsitall and I are like peas and carrots. The veggie's have a hard time when they are separated, shit gets funky. At least it does on the end of the carrots life, cannot really speak for the peas I guess.

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