Thursday, January 17, 2013

day eleven Feeling pretty good!

So I started the South Beach Diet eleven days ago. Phase one of the plan is eliminating all carbs and sugars including fruit from your diet to balance the insulin levels in your blood stream. At first it was easy, partially because I was sick and not all that hungry and like anyone else at the start of any good diet, I was determined.

Then I got some antibiotics in my system, started to feel better and in turn, I started to get hungry.

My inner sugar monger reared it's ugly head like nothing else I ever have seen.
Suddenly all I could think about was sugar, and then I got this intense craving for something I never ever even eat. A chocolate chip baguette french toast with extra syrup and powdered sugar.
 I was practically in tears for two days over this internal battle, fighting my determined willpower.

The girl that got me started on this whole thing was telling me don't worry, you will get over it. Keep going, do it for 21 days and it will become habit. All I could think was she was fucking crazy.

Then all of a sudden, I'm not sure what happened but a switch was flipped. And now I feel fine.
I am perfectly happy packing my lunch of tuna, carrots, and half an avacado. Or drinking my coffee no artificial flavored creamer.

Two or three days ago I felt like I was going to die until the day I could allow myself a banana, or a bowl of coach's oats... and now, I'm like whatever. Maybe I should do this for 21 days.

I am shocking myself right now. God I really hope it sticks. Good news is, I have landmark next Wednesday and I think that is really going to help.

(Knock on wood) Maybe, I can really do this. The possibility seems crazy, but I am hopeful for once.

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